608 West King St.

Martinsburg, WV 25401

Call Us Today!

(304) 263-6901


Meals provided in 2024 so far

Clothing vouchers provided in 2024 so far


Nights lodging provided across all programs in 2024 so far


The main purpose and the reason the Rescue Mission exists is to fulfill the great commission as outlined by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19, 20: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.  The general purpose of all the residential rehabilitation programs is to prepare individuals to return to the mainstream of our society and become responsible productive members of the society.


To disciple individuals by equipping, educating, and empowering them to be Christ-like disciples therefore returning to the local Church and community as productive members of society.


Hope Lives Here 

Jeremiah 29:11 

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the LORD; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

Community Meals Served Daily

Breakfast 7-730 (8-830 Sundays)
Lunch 11-12 (12-1 Sundays)
Dinner 4-5 Everyday
If you are in need of assistance, please email Patrick at [email protected] to find out more information about Ministry Programs.
As a key part of our Spiritual Recovery Program, we have a chapel service every evening. Many of the churches from around the area come and help spread the word of God to our community.

For over six decades, the Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission has served as a beacon of hope in Martinsburg, offering guidance to those in need. The Mission’s foundation lies in Matthew 28:19-20, commanding us to create disciples for Jesus Christ. Our programs aim to equip individuals to reintegrate into society as responsible, contributing members.


We foster a forward-thinking mindset that encourages program participants to become disciples of Christ through education and empowerment. This enables them to rejoin the local church and community with the necessary tools to contribute positively.


We believe that every person we assist holds value in the eyes of God and within the community. By demonstrating this value, individuals can discover the hope that resides within them.

We operate as a Rescue Mission where every participant in our program will be given a specific job role to fulfill while also gaining knowledge about Jesus Christ.
Our discipleship class curriculum is an essential component of all our programs. It is crafted to assist individuals in recognizing the various areas in their lives where God is active, empowering them to confidently share the Gospel with others.
Volunteers play a crucial role in all our endeavors. We have openings in our kitchen, front desk, and thrift store. Click the button at the top of the page to apply and volunteer with us today!

Current Needs